well technically its the third day of the week but Tuesday was a much needed rest day.
I hadnt worked out like that in years....and my bod was letting me know about it.
So I wake up early this morning....still exhausted.... I went back to sleep.
I decided to do the workout around 3pm.
I was eager to try the BSN N.O.-Xplode....I had heard some mixed reviews about it...and me being me....I need to see for myself.
Poured water, scooped supp., shaken not stirred HA(no shittin ya...it says do not shake)
and downed.
First impression. MY GOD!!!! It was tangy!! Made my butt pucker!
Not sure what in it made it taste so strong...not a bad taste...just a strong one.
Caffeine probably. Who knows. Dont care....cuz I could feel it.
Drive to the school, walk in, hand over my student ID and start a lil warm-up.
Group of guys in there lifting, a chick on the treadmill....the room was filling up. Just an observation.
Get off the bike, could feel the burn in my legs......felt good, some of the soreness was gone. SOME not all.
Wanted to work out the bigger muscles first so I hit the pulldown bar. Cranked out 10 of those, felt good.
Then went to the butterfly press, cranked out some of those and felt great.
Did some more sets and hit the bike again.
Around this time the first time I was really feeling spent, but not today.
I wondered if it was me pacing myself this time around, the BSN product, or a combo of both.
Id like to think it was both. First day was a real reality check.
I noticed halfway through my workout that the guys that were in there before really wasnt showing an intensity I felt i was displaying.
Dont get me wrong...Im not saying they should or Im browbeating them because they didnt, i was just wondering if , again it was the BSN product that advertised an intense mindset when working out. Who knows? Time will tell.
Sometimes I wonder if these products are pure psychosomatic, I know how powerful the mind can be, in the weight room and in life in general. Again who knows? And again...dont care..lol.
Got home, took shower and downed a post-workout supplement called BSN Cellmass.
It called for one scoop in 6oz of water. So i followed direction...mixed and downed.
First impressions?YOU GOT IT!!!
It tasted great!! I got the grape flavor.....and in reality it tasted like a tiny bit stronger than gatorade.
'Cept this has creatine in it. Just enough for a post workout.
Ive heard how bad creatine can be on ones kidneys, but also I gotta look at it this way...if the user abuses anything its going to affect their health.
taking large amounts of creatine i know is not good. But I plan on cycling this....3 months on...3 months off. I see no harm in that.
Overall I feel pretty damn good about the workout...about the effectiveness of the BSN products and about the next workout.
Now......time to rest a lil bit........then go chow down on a steak and potato..lol. Good ol protein and carbs.