Friday, July 18, 2008

My cousin invited me to sit with her during her new tattoo.

So I was down.

I meet with her the next day and started the long process.

We met at 11:50am and waited till the shop opened at noon
Walked in once they opened, and waited about another hour for the tattooist to get there.
Waited till nearly 2 until he was finished with the stencil.
Walked into his are around 2:10pm and the tattooing started.

Cindy was a soldier, didnt bitch like others had before (according to the tattooist).
Took it nicely, I was proud of her.

She was finished at 6:15pm.

The tattoo is for her dad, who was recently diagnosed with cancer, and doesnt have too long to live.

It is of his favorite car he owned, a 60 (sumthing) Pontiac (sumthin)

The artist did a kickass job and everyone was happy.

I snapped some shots during the process.

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