Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Sad Trend

There has been a sad trend Ive taken notice to on a photography forum I frequent.

"What is that J?" you may be asking yourself.

"Well Ill tell you stranger who is reading my blog."

Its that when someone posts a photo (especially a person that is new to photography) others will tend to look for mistakes instead of looking at the photo as a whole.

Nevermind that it could be of a greatgrandmother holding her newborn greatgrandson...no...its the fact that the background is "distracting", or "the color tones arent to my tastes."

What the fuck is that about? Get a life people, pull your self rightous heads outta your arrogant asses and shut off.

I recently posted on a thread regarding someone posting a photo of one of their daughters. No critique really requested yet several members of the forum took it upon themselves to "teach" this person how to take photographs of their daughter. This person got very frustrated (according to her posts following the "help") and started to blame herself for not producing a magazine-worthy photo of her daughter.


Members of this forum just act like they are the mecca for photography knowledge. They will also change things that dont need to be changed. Eye color, skin color, hair color etc etc. It really is mind boggling.

"Clone out the tree limb, its distracting." For fuck sake ya shithead....its a tree...it is supposed to have limbs sticking out!

"I dont like her expression, it isnt to my tastes." Well then changing your tastes will be easier than changing an expression in a photo that was ALREADY TAKEN....fuck face!

99% of the time the flaws these POTheads see are really of no significance, and unless it improves the message the photos is trying to send then it really is a waste of time and effort.

One thing I look at when I decide to help someone by critiquing their photo is, what can be altered that will improve the photo? If I fix this will it make it better or keep it the same?

Trying to bring back detail on the side of a white shirt isnt going to make the photograph better, its just not. Period. Waste of time.

DONE. Tired. Out

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I couldn't agree more! So many people are so worried about the technical details that they totally overlook what's really important...the subject matter! It's very maddening and heartbreaking to see someone get their treasured image slammed on something they could care less about such a a blown highlight!