I had practiced photographing my family so I felt I was ready to move to a new challenge.
We set up the shoot to be at Will Roger's Botanical Gardens. I had never been so I decided to visit the place the day before the shoot.
My and my brother got there, chased some squirrrels, ran through some mud, you know the normal stuff. After all that I felt I was one with nature.
We met the day of the shoot, got the business part complete and went on to shoot.
I could tell Alissa was nervous, but I dont blame her I dont like being in front of the camera either. I helped her relax by talkig with her about this n that, laughing, cracking jokes, anything to ease her nerves.
It seemed to work because as soon as she calmed down, her photos got better and better.
Overall it was a good day, we all had a blast.

Great images! I am sure your client was very pleased!!!!
Beautiful images Jared! Keep up the awesome work!
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