He's never been to a wrestling show, so when I heard they were coming to town I knew he had to experience what me and Blake has on so many occasions. Watch RAW...LIVE!!!
Another added bonus is that Amir had never been to a live event either, so we had two newcomers taggin along with us. It made it all the better.
I felt like a veteran and they were the rookies. I had been to nearly 10 shows and this being their first, I can still remember the excitement I had going to my first event, so I knew what they were going through.
Sure, the photos Ive posted arent of the best quality, but I did capture the essense of the experience in the first photo.
Thats all that counted, putting a smile on the boys face, was worth every penny and more.
Just so ya know his favorite wrestler is John Cena (2nd photo posted), he's got posters shoes, backpack, lil plastic championship belts, and every t-shirt he wears is John Cena, he doesnt want to wear anything else.
So for him to see his hero, words and pictures will never be able to do justice to the moment I helped create. INCREDIBLE! Nothing can ever top the emotion, experience, and feel of a live WWE event....nothing!

Oh yeah, during the show John Cena got "kicked out of the building" and Braiden thinking it was for real, nearly cried and wanted to go home. I told him to hold on, Cena will be back towards the end of the show, and sure enough he was, that certainly made Braidens day.
When he realized Cena had come back, I didnt need to pick him up on my shoulders, he nearly jumped right up onto them.
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